
Buddhist wisdom for daily life


Palyul Ling is a Tibetan Buddhist centre under the guidance of our resident teacher Tulku Lodoe Rinpoche. We foster skills based on wisdom, compassion, generosity, altruism, respect for oneself and others, tolerance and equanimity. The real-world application of Tibetan Buddhism and its wisdom offers valuable insights and practices that can enhance one’s personal growth, emotional well-being, and relationships with others.


Welcome to our program, crafted according to the wisdom of the Mahayana Buddhist tradition to lead you on the journey towards enlightenment.

Our curriculum encompasses sessions that include meditation, reflective prayers, the vibrant energy of mantra chanting, and the rejuvenating practice of Tsalung breathing exercises. At the heart of our offerings are the profound insights imparted through the teachings of “The Words of My Perfect Teacher,” a seminal guide to Dzogchen practice. Each component of our program is designed to foster mindfulness and meditation, cultivate compassion and loving-kindness, delve into the teachings of wisdom and emptiness, and transform negative emotions into positive pathways.

We emphasize the significance of mantras, prayers, and meditation, while integrating spirituality into daily life. Our approach also focuses on cultivating patience and resilience, raising environmental consciousness, and nurturing a community of like-minded individuals committed to personal growth and spiritual development.


The Palyul School is a part of the larger Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism. The patron of our centre is H.H. Garwang Nyima Rinpoche of Palyul Tarthang Monastery in Tibet. This monastery is not only a great center of learning, one of it’s leaders, Tarthang Tulku, already introduced the Nyingma School and the health practices of Kum Nye to the West since the 1960s. Tibetan Buddhism is a rich spiritual tradition that has been influential not only in Tibet but also in many other parts of the world, as it continues to attract practitioners and scholars seeking spiritual wisdom, compassion and enlightenment.


Pour des informations en langue française, veuillez vous référer à notre site web : https://meditation-brussels.mystrikingly.com

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