Our Monastery


Tulku Lodoe Rinpoche is a tulku of the Palyul Chadongri Tashi Yalpel Ling Monastery in Amdo Golok. It is one of the more than one-hundred branch monasteries of Palyul Tharthang Monastery and is in the care of H.H. Garwang Nyima Rinpoche. We will therefore start with a brief history of the monastery and the line of succession of its founders.


In the first year of the 19th century, the great siddha, Rigzin Do Kyentse Yeshi Dorje was born into the Churong tribe in Amdo Golok (East Tibet). In his early life he studied with many spiritual teachers of non-sectarian philosophical doctrines, and he obtained the manifestation of the paths and the bhumis in his mindstream. He demonstrated several of his supreme siddhi qualities to his disciples. For instance, he was able to fly into the sky like a bird, was able to move rainbows freely with his fingers in any direction, and so on. Rigzin Do Kyentse Rinpoche discovered the Dzinpa Rangdrol cycle of teachings and was a lineage holder of the Longchen Nyingthig treasure cycle of Jigme Lingpa. He became the great accomplished master of the whole Domed region (East Tibet).

When he was older he founded a tent monastery camp (Wa dra-ngak) among the Churong tribe and started teaching dharma to the communities at the camp both summer and winter. Thus, many eminent disciples from many different places assembled to receive his teaching. Unfortunately, when he was around seventy years old he passed away. His son, Dechen Rikpai Reltri Rinpoche (1830-1896) continued to develop the site into a monastery. Gyaltsen Rikpai Reltri taught the great Jatsön Pö Druk and Longchen Nyintik etc. teachings to the monastic communities. When Rikpai Reltri grew old his son Do Rinpoche Zilnön Gyepai Dorje (1890‐1939)  took responsibility for the monastery for ten years.


Then the people of the Churong tribe offered the monastery to Gyalwa Palyul Monastery when Palyul Choktrul Rinpoche Jampel Gyepai Dorje (1894 – 1958/1959) and many other senior Rinpoches of the Gyalwa Palyul Monastery visited them. Thus Palyul Choktrul Rinpoche became the root guru for all householders and monastic communities in the area.


In 1988, H.H. Garwang Nyima Rinpoche of Palyul Tarthang came to the monastery, and started to give empowerments, instructions and teachings to the Churong communities. He also discussed reconstruction of the monastery with Tulku Kunzang Namgyal Rinpoche. In the same year, Tulku Kunzang Namgyal invited many great spiritual teachers to the monastery and constructed many assembly halls and Mani Khorlo (prayer wheel houses) and so forth.

Tulku Kunzang Namgyal Rinpoche

When Tulku Kunzang Namgyal was aged about sixty he requested Nangwa Tulku Pema Tekchok Dorje Rinpoche to be his successor. Tulku Kunzang Namgyal passed away not long after giving some advice to all the communities of the local householders and the monastery.

Then Nangwa Tulku Pema Tekchok Dorje spent about 20 million RMB extensively developing the monastery. He restructured the great shrine hall, built a school for young monks and a retreat center in the monastery, prayer wheel houses, stupas, billions of Mani stone inscriptions and so forth. After that Gar Khentul [holding both position of khenpo and tulku] Tubten Nyima was invited to the monastery in order to teach dharma during both the summer and winter teaching periods. His disciples realized that he has the supreme signs of a siddhi. He established a more reliable tradition of discipline for the monastery. At the moment, there are about one hundred and fifty monks in residence.


Dr. Tsulpo, who holds the distinction of being the oldest sibling of Tulku Lodoe, dedicates his expertise to the practice of traditional Tibetan medicine. He operates from a small, yet well-equipped clinic that forms a part of the Chadongri Monastery complex. This clinic, while modest in size, is a hub of traditional healing practices that draw on centuries-old Tibetan medical knowledge.

In addition to his medical practice, Dr. Tsulpo extends his skills beyond physical healing to spiritual well-being. He offers meditation classes, a vital aspect of Tibetan culture and spirituality, to the laypeople of the surrounding region. These classes are open to all individuals in the community who express an interest in learning meditation. This initiative by Dr. Tsulpo serves to bridge the gap between monastic and lay life, offering a unique opportunity for the local populace to engage in spiritual practices under his guidance.


Due to regional economic challenges, Chadongri Monastery faces hurdles in establishing and maintaining its educational and spiritual standards. Unlike other renowned monasteries, Chadongri lacks essential facilities such as a Shedra (academic institution) and a Chora (debating court), both of which are vital for a monastery’s intellectual and spiritual growth. Additionally, the monastery is experiencing a shortage of adequate housing for our devoted monks.

Recognizing these pressing needs, Tulku Lodoe Rinpoche has been tasked with the vital mission of revitalizing and rebuilding these key areas. This endeavor is not just about physical reconstruction; it’s a commitment to preserving our rich spiritual heritage and ensuring the continued flourishing of our monastic community.

In light of this, we appeal for your generous support. Contributions, both financial and in-kind, will directly assist Tulku Lodoe Rinpoche in this noble effort. Your support will not only help in rebuilding structures but also in nurturing a vibrant center of learning and spirituality that continues to serve generations to come.


In gratitude for your generous support, Chadongri Monastery offers a solemn pledge of spiritual protection and blessings, extending across this life and into future incarnations. We believe that those who assist in our sacred mission will be endowed with auspicious conditions for the fulfillment of their aspirations in this life, alongside a guided path towards liberation in future existences.

Moreover, to honor the contributions of our significant benefactors, we will respectfully inscribe their names in the monastery’s annals. This enduring record will stand as a testament to their invaluable role in preserving and enhancing our spiritual sanctuary, ensuring that their legacy is remembered and revered within our community for generations to come.

Your support is not just a material contribution; it is a profound spiritual exchange, weaving a bond between the monastery and its benefactors that transcends the bounds of time

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