Program 2024


Starting date of the new season: September 4th 2024

Short sessions of different meditation techniques, mantra chanting, well-known profound prayers such as “Praises to the 21 Taras” and “Barche Lamsel” sung with mindfulness and guided breathing exercises from the Kalachakra Yoga System. Our meditation is inspired by the Uttaratantra Shastra or Gyü Lama, the well-known text on Buddha Nature inherent in all of us. These approaches will help our meditation by clarifying points and removing obstacles. They also generally strengthen our physical health and mental well-being. This season, Rinpoche will also offer short teachings based on “The Words of my Perfect Teacher” (Kunsang Lame Shalung) of Patrul Rinpoche.

This is an open course, all welcome. PLEASE NOTE: No session during School Holidays.

GREEN TARA PUJA – Thursday February 8th 2024 – 19.00 CET 

To prepare for LOSAR (TIBETAN NEW YEAR) and finish the past year in an auspicious way, Rinpoche will offer prayers to Tara, the female embodiment of the wisdom of all Buddhas. The text we use is the well known “Essence of the Two Accumulations. Mandala Ritual from the Mind Treasure of the Profound Essence of Tara” or in French: “Le Coeur des Deux Accumulations, le rituel de Mandala”, extrait de “La Profonde Essence de la Liberatrice”. This ritual helps us to create merit to achieve profound peace of mind. It works towards World Peace and benefiting all beings.

The ceremony can be attended in person and is live streamed from our Facebook Page:

SAKA DAWA PUJA – Thursday May 23rd – 19.00 CEST

Saka Dawa is a profoundly significant event in Buddhism that marks the birth, enlightenment, and Parinirvana of Lord Buddha. Our ceremony on this day is celebrated under the spiritual leadership of Tulku Lodoe Rinpoche and centers around the recitation of “The Treasury of Blessings – A Practice of Buddha Śākyamuni,” a text authored by Mipham Rinpoche, a highly esteemed figure in Buddhist scholarship. This text is instrumental in guiding practitioners towards understanding and embodying the enlightened mind of Buddha Śākyamuni.

A pivotal aspect of Saka Dawa is the opportunity for individuals to take the Bodhisattva Vows. This represents a profound commitment to following a path of compassion and altruism, inspired by Buddha Śākyamuni’s life as depicted in “The Treasury of Blessings.” Taking these vows signifies a dedication to the well-being of all sentient beings, resonating with the foundational Buddhist values of love and compassion.

In the Samādhirāja Sūtra it is said: Those who, while walking, sitting, standing, or sleeping, recollect the moon-like Buddha, will always be in Buddha’s presence, and will attain the vast nirvāṇa. And: His pure body is the colour of gold, beautiful is the Protector of the World. Whoever visualizes him like this, practises the meditation of the bodhisattvas. In keeping with this, we should practise remembering our incomparable teacher, the Lord of Sages. (from: Treasury of Blessings by Ju Mipham Rinpoche, courtesy Lotsawa House).

The ceremony can be attended in person and is also live streamed from our Facebook Page:

GURU RINPOCHE PUJA – Friday September 13th – 19.00 CEST

Together with Tulku Lodoe Rinpoche we celebrate Guru Rinpoche by reciting “Barche Lamsel” and associated auspicious prayers. There will also be moments of meditation, visualisation and mantra chanting.

Padmasambhava is referred to as Guru Rinpoche, meaning “precious master”. He disseminated Buddhism throughout East Asia and tamed the opposition of demonic forces that opposed the spread of the Buddhist religion. On the Birth Anniversary of Guru Rinpoche, there are special religious rituals performed at Buddhist temples all across the world.

The ceremony can be attended in person and is live streamed from our Facebook Page:

OGYEN NORLHA INITIATION Sunday November 3rd – 15.00 CET

This sacred empowerment is designed to nurture and restore abundance in every aspect of our lives—whether it be through material prosperity, physical and emotional well-being, or the ultimate discovery of our true nature. By embracing this path, we open ourselves to deep and lasting peace and joy.

Our teacher, Tulku Lodoe, received this precious transmission in Tibet. It is a cherished part of our Palyul lineage, originating from a Terma (spiritual treasure) of Guru Rinpoche. This treasure was discovered in the Amnye Machen mountains, under the guidance of H.H. the 3rd Palyul Choktrul, and revealed by Rachung terton.


Tulku Lodoe Rinpoche is often invited by devotees to bestow the sacred ritual of the Amitayus initiation. Amitayus, a deity revered for embodying longevity, wisdom, and compassion, holds a name that indicates endlessness—”Infinite Life” in Sanskrit. 

These ceremonies are conduits through which healing blessings flow, bridged from teacher to practitioner. The Lama is a guardian of this sacred transmission, ensuring that the lineage of transmission, passed down from teacher to teacher, remains unbroken. This lineage is the very heartbeat of authenticity and efficacy in each empowerment bestowed.

In Amitayus, one finds the embodiment of enlightenment’s timeless nature. This deity is not merely a symbol of life stretching beyond the horizon of time but also a profound representation of the spiritual journey beyond the confines of suffering and cyclical existence. Here, the quest for longevity transcends the mere extension of physical life. It becomes a pilgrimage towards the ultimate liberation, a journey to unfurl the wings of enlightenment and soar beyond the endless cycle of birth and death, known as samsara.

SA YING TONGDRUP CHENPO –  ༄༄།།ས་སྙིང་དུང་སྒྲུབ་ཆེན་པོ།།

Grand accumulation of the Sa Yi Nyingpo Prayer. The practice of Sa Yi Nyingpo puts us in contact with the essence of the Earth Element. Because of the pure altruistic vow of this great Bodhisattva, sentient beings are liberated from suffering. Health problems, financial difficulties, problems with advancement of projects and problems with growing crops will diminish, even earth quakes will be averted. Daily practice will help us to experience abundance, healing, pacification of conflicts, increase of wisdom and compassion.


Tsa Lung is a Tibetan term that translates to “channels and winds.” It is a practice in Tibetan Buddhist meditation that involves the manipulation and cultivation of subtle energy channels and vital breaths within the body. The practice involves a variety of physical postures, breath retention techniques, and visualization exercises. These are designed to stimulate and balance the subtle energy channels and centers within the body, known as “nadis” and “chakras” respectively. Through this process, practitioners aim to achieve a profound meditative state, which can lead to experiences of clarity, insight, and spiritual realization.

The Tsa Lung that Tulku Lodoe proposes is based on his study of the Kalachakra Tantra under the guidance of H.H. Penam Rinpoche, Khenchen Ngawang Delek Rabgye and Lama Kelden Gyaltso. Kalachakra is a complex and comprehensive teaching that encompasses a wide range of subjects, including cosmology, astrology, meditation, and profound philosophical concepts. It’s known for its intricate symbolism and its focus on the concept of time

H.E. Gar Khentrul Rinpoche and Tulku Lodoe at Palyul Chadongri Monastery
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