Who we are
Our website address is: https://palyul-meditation.eu.
Payul Jamyang Sherig Phuntsok Norling Buddhist Center asbl
Legal form: Non-profit association
Headquarters: Avenue Everard 22, 1190 Forest
Legal Persons Register : Brussels
Company number: 0542.891.578
Email: puntsoknorling@gmail.com
Palyul Jamyang Sherig Phuntsok Norling asbl is committed to handling personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The personal data we hold are names, addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses for the purpose of keeping interested people informed of our activities and facilities offered. In the case of donors we also hold such banking details as are necessary to process donations. We take all reasonable steps to keep the data secure and only share it when legally required to do so. We delete data when it is no longer required and we offer the facility for people to check and correct data. We comply with any request to delete data unless we are legally required to retain it.